Free fun for kids, teens, and parents!
When: Every Friday Nov. 1 - Dec 6 @6:30pm (doors open @6:15)
Where: 26 Parker Farms Rd., Wallingford, CT 06492 (The Rock Church, upper level front entrance)
Kids 5-12 are invited for games, prizes, and a Bible lesson! Doors open at 6:15. Parents may check-in and drop off their kids, but are welcome to stay for a parent life discussion group. All are welcome! We serve a free meal at 7:15. Teens have a fun Youth Group from 7:30 to 8:30, and anyone 13-19 is welcome to attend!

Project Restoration Complete!
Project Restoration is a time to receive prayer and share stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness through testimony and music! For the outcast, the lonely, the depressed, the addict, the hurt, the suicidal, and the lost, this is a time for confession, forgiveness, healing, deliverance and restoration in Jesus name!
God brought our first "Project Restoration" to a powerful conclusion by restoring many souls! People were healed, delivered, set free, and restored!
Every follower of Jesus has a testimony leading back to a defining moment in their life when Jesus touched their heart. This moment is a life changing mark on their heart and soul. Our final day was this mark; a defining moment for many people!
Praise God for His unconditional love and faithfulness to powerfully break addictions, bring down strongholds, heal heart ache and pain, and set people free!
“He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul…” (Psalm 23:2-3)

Life Change
Prayer is the key to all we do at The Rock Church. We offer a number of different services to ensure you can always pray and worship with the community. Our schedule includes Individual Prayer, Sunday Service, Weekly Focus Groups, and more. Learn more, take the next steps and visit!




"In Jesus' day, His critics said in scorn: 'This man receives sinners!' They were right - and He lived and died and rose again to prove it. The blessed part is this: He is still receiving sinners!"
A.W. TOZER - A man of God

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